Lessons Learned: Leadership

No one said it would be easy, and it sure as heck isn’t. Leadership can be one of the most demanding roles you can fill in the Army. Its as much of an art as it is a science, and don’t count on anyone explaining it to you.

We created this guide to highlight some of the most difficult leadership challenges you’ll face, and provide easy-to-follow solutions and answers. The Q&A style approach to this book is taken directly from the most asked leadership questions we’ve received directly from Army Leaders. CSM (R) Mark Gerecht, shares 26 years of experience and doctrinal expertise to answer the most pressing questions for today’s Army Leaders.

Answers to 122 of the most asked and misunderstood leadership questions? Including:

  • How should I conduct corrective training? (the ins and out of corrective training)
  • Can you record a counseling session?
  • Can you order a Soldier to sign a counseling statement?
  • How do you tell your side of the story in a counseling session?
  • Should you refuse to sign a counseling statement?
  • Can a Soldier Be Required to Sign a Counseling Statement While on Medication?
  • How should you deal with Toxic Leadership?
  • Does the assessment portion of the counseling form have to be filled out for the counseling statement to be complete?
  • Can a leader order me to make coffee or go get their food?
  • Can I inspect a Soldier’s off post living quarters?
  • How Do I Correct a Soldier Who Has Poor Hygiene?

Price: $17.95

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Lessons Learned: Leadership